Grillz Training In Person 3 Day Intensive Class (consecutive days)
Grillz Training In Person 3 Day Intensive Class (consecutive days)
Are you looking to get into the grillz industry and start your own business but not sure where to start? This is for you!
Welcome to our 3-Day Intensive Launch your own Grillz Business Class. Over 3 Days we will learn everything you need to know & the skills to make grillz. 15 Hours Total.
DAYS - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am - 3pm
Day 1: Hands-On Skills (5 Hours)
- Impression Taking
- Stone Model Making
- Grillz Wax Up - Learn how to wax up Grillz with different methods
*learning how to do your own casting is not a part of this training.
Day 2: Hands-On Skills & Business Set Up (5 Hours)
- Grillz Finishing & Polishing (provided with a range of pre-made grillz to finish)
- Fitment Tips & Tricks
- Continued wax working practice
Day 3: Finish off Sets & Free Time for Practice (5 Hours)
- How to price your set
- Custom Enquiries
- Website and Payment Recommendations
- Social Media Recommendations
- Free Time to practice any of the hands-on skills & ask questions.
You will also receive
- Grillz Impression Kit (impression putties, trays, light body material)
- Grillz Wax & Carving Tools
- Take home the grillz pieces you finish and polish for examples to show customers.
Snacks & Drinks Each Day Are Provided.
Our location is not wheelchair accessible, you will be required to walk up a flight of stairs to reach our workshop.
Your payment secures your spot in this training. Spots are limited. Your payment is final and no cancellation period or refund applies.